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CIRブログ6月号:アイルランドのスポーツ・Irish Sports

アイルランドのスポーツ・Irish Sports


Hello everyone!This is Katie from the International Relations Division at Chiba City Hall. In this month’s edition, I would like to discuss some traditional Irish sports.


                   カモギ(写真提供:The Southern Star(External link))


ハーリングとカモギ・Hurling and Camogie




(写真提供:Irish Mirror(External link))


ハーリングのビデオ/Hurling video(External link)
カモギのビデオ/Camogie video(External link)

Hurling is an ancient traditional Irish sport which was originally played by warriors (The Fianna). Today, hurling is known as the “world’s fastest game on grass”. It is a very physical sport and a high level of skill is needed. In particular, hand-eye coordination and speed are important. “Camogie” is the female version of hurling and the rules are the same. Hurling is very exciting to watch because Irish people are very proud of their counties (like prefectures in Japan), and making the county team is a huge honour. The atmosphere at a hurling match is very exciting, due to a combination of such a high-paced game and the enthusiasm of the supporters.
 There are fifteen players on each team and a hurley and sliotar are necessary to play. A hurley is a stick made from an ash tree. It isn’t too heavy and the hurley’s height is made in line with the player’s height. The ball used in hurling is called a sliotar and it is made from leather. Resembling a baseball, it weighs about 115g and the centre is made from cork. The fastest puck of a sliotar ever recorded was 181kmp/h! In the past, it wasn’t compulsory to wear a helmet, but hurling can be dangerous so nowadays everyone has to wear a helmet to protect their heads. The aim of the game is to have the highest score when the final whistle goes. Scores can be achieved by scoring goals or points (one goal is the same as three points). Goals are scored by getting the sliotar into the goal underneath the goalpost and points are scored in a rugby-like fashion, by hitting the sliotar above the goal through the goalposts. Can you imagine what hurling is like? If one was to say what hurling it like, I would say that it is like a mix of rugby, lacrosse and baseball.


カモギ・Camogie(写真提供:Offtheball.com(External link))

ゲィーリックフットボール・Gaelic Football

1996年以来、東京でゲィーリックフットボールとハーリングのクラブ(JapanGAA/日本ゲーリック体育協会)が設立されています。Japan GAAはトレーニングや試合もよく開催しています。いつでも、新しいメンバーを募集しています!!Japan GAAのメンバーは3月に千葉市で行われたセイント・パトリックス・ディのパレードにも参加しました。

ゲィーリックフットボールのビデオ/Gaelic Football video(External link)
Japan GAA(External link)


ハーリーとフットボール・A hurley and football

(写真提供:The Clare Herald(External link)

If you mention “football” to someone living in Europe, they will assume that you are referring to soccer. If you mention “football” to an Irish person, they will think you are referring to Gaelic football. Gaelic football is not the same as soccer and is more like a mix of soccer and rugby. Similar to hurling, a team consists of fifteen players and the aim is to try and score into their opponent’s goal. Players are permitted to use their hands to catch and pass the ball, while also bouncing the ball while running. One of the rules is that you can only run with the ball in your hands for four steps before you have to either bounce the ball off the ground (known as a “hop”), kick it back into your hands (solo) or pass it off. The size of a football is about the same as a soccer ball.  Since 1996, a GAA club has been established in Tokyo and they often hold training sessions and matches for hurling and football. They are always looking for new members! They came to Chiba City in March to take part in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. You can find out more information about joining Japan GAA here(External link).

ロードバウリング・Road Bowling


バウル・A bowl(写真提供:The Irish Examiner(External link))


ロードバウリングのビデオ/Road Bowling video(External link)


ロードショワーとソップ・ A road shower putting down the sop

(写真提供:The Irish News(External link))
Road bowling is also a very traditional Irish sport. It is mainly played in the south and north of Ireland. Further afield, variations of road bowling are also played in Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, England and North America.  The aim of road bowling is similar to golf. Normally there are two players and the score (match) takes place on a pre-determined road in the countryside. The ball is called a “bowl” and is made from iron. In Northern Ireland, it is known as a “bullet”. The weight of the bowl is 24oz for children and 28 oz for adults. The aim of the game is to get from the start line to the finish line in the least amount of shots. Each player also needs a “road shower”. A road shower is someone who has studied the road and tells the bowler where is best to throw the shot. Just like a “bullseye” in darts, the road shower puts a tuft of grass called a “sop” down on the best part of the road, which the bowler then aims for. When throwing the bowl, the player must run up to their line and swing their arm before releasing the bowl.                     


ロードバウリング・ A road bowler throwing the bowl

(写真提供:The Southern Star(External link))

What do you think of Irish traditional sports? Would you like to try them out?
Check out the below articles to find out more about the sports.



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