



Dia dhuit! This is Katie the CIR from the International Relations Division at Chiba City Hall. I recently heard that the redhead “Anne of Green Gables” is very popular in Japan. As a fellow redhead, I would like to share some interesting facts about having red hair. 
Ireland has the largest redhead population in the world, with about 10% of the total population having red hair. Redheads can also be found in Scotland, Wales, the Netherlands, Northern Europe and even a part of Russia. The Irish word for a redhead or red hair is “gruaig rua”.
Dia dhuit! 国際交流課の国際交流員ケイティです。日本では、「赤毛のアン」がとても有名だと聞きます。同じ赤毛の人として、今回のブログで「赤毛の人」の面白い事実を紹介したいと思います。アイルランドは世界で最も赤毛の人の多い国で、赤毛の人は全人口の約10%を占めます。アイルランド以外、スコットランド、ウェールズ、オランダ、北ヨーロッパとロシアの一部でも赤毛の人がいます。「赤毛の人」のアイルランド語訳は「グルーイッグ・ルアー」(gruaig rua)です。

Facts About Redheads

Did you know that redheads only make up about 2% of the world’s population? Redhair is caused by a mutation of a rare and regressive gene (MC1R gene). There can sometimes be several redheads in one family, however both parents must carry the gene. For example, my parents and four of my siblings all have brown or black hair. Only my youngest sister has red hair. My grandmother and aunts have red hair too, so the gene mutation runs in my family. Did you know that having red hair and blue eyes is the rarest combination in the world? Only about 1% of the world’s population has this combination. The colours of redhead’s eyebrows and eyelashes are usually blonde. Redheads also don’t turn grey once they get older. Rather, their red hair turns white. 
Another interesting fact about redheads is that studies have shown that redheads have a higher pain tolerance than people without red hair, we well as being more resistant to anaesthesia. Redheads require on average up to 20% more anaesthetic than those without red hair.
Redheads also have very fair skin and sunburn quite easily. The gene mutation also means that it is very difficult for redheads to get a tan. However, redheads produce more Vitamin D than those without red hair because most redheads originate from colder and rainier countries with less sunlight in the winter, such as Ireland. 


家族の髪の毛の色は全然違います/My family all have different hair colours   




叔母さんも赤毛/My aunt is also a redhead

Redhead Stereotypes

Did you know that there are many stereotypes about redheads? The main one is that they get angry easily and have a short or “fiery” temper. Other funny stereotypes include redheads having no souls or that they are an “endangered species” and are in danger of becoming extinct, but this is not true! Redheads also have many nicknames depending on the country. In Ireland, they are often called “gingers” or “foxy”.



Redhead Convention


アイリッシュ・レッドヘッド・コンベンション/Irish Redhead Convention
写真提供:Irish Redhead Convention( External link )

In Ireland, there is a redhead festival called the “Irish Redhead Convention”. Redheads from all over Ireland gather and take part in redhead-themed competitions and celebrations. For example, who has the most redheads in their family, who has the most freckles per square inch or “ginger yoga”. There are also carrot tossing competitions, as well as a King and Queen Redhead contest! There are not many opportunities to see redheads in Japan, but if you come to Ireland, you will definitely see plenty!



赤毛の王と王妃/King and Queen of the Redheads
写真提供: The Independent( External link )




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