

Social Welfare

 Pension | Welfare for Senior Citizens | Welfare for Individuals with Disabilities | Glossary


National Pension

The national government bears the responsibility for operating and administering the National Pension system, using funds contributed by the government and the premiums collected from the insured. The plan ensures that the insured can maintain a stable lifestyle, by paying annuities if specific criteria are fulfilled when the insured reaches old age, or in the event of injury or illness resulting in disability or death.

Employed individuals and dependents are automatically covered by the employer's insurance plan. All residents in Japan between the ages of 20 and 59 (inclusive), including foreign residents, are eligible for the National Pension system if they are not insured by an employer.

If the payment of insurance premiums becomes difficult due to financial issues, you may qualify for a payment exemption upon application.

For further details, please contact the Senior Medical Care and Pension Unit of the Health Insurance and Pension Division at your ward office.

Employees’ Pension

People who are working for companies or corporations join the Employees’ Pension Insurance system automatically. The insurance fee is deducted from your monthly salary. Those who make payments for a period of six months or more can receive a lump sum withdrawal payment, on condition that they apply within two years of returning to their home country.

For more details, please contact the Japan Pension Service (JPS) Branch Office with jurisdiction over the ward in which you live.

Chuo Ward, Midori Ward, Wakaba Ward

Chiba JPS Branch Office TEL 043-242-6320

Hanamigawa Ward, Inage Ward, Mihama Ward

Makuhari JPS Branch Office TEL 043-212-8621 

 Welfare for Senior Citizens

A variety of programs are offered to assist elderly residents, including in-home care services, independence-building support services, and active lifestyle-building events. For more information, contact the Senior Citizens' Welfare Division or the Senior Citizens' and Disabled Persons' Support Division at each ward's Health and Welfare Center.

Senior Citizens' Welfare Division TEL 043-245-5171

Senior Citizens’ and Disabled Persons’ Support Division:

Health and Welfare Center TEL
Chuo 043-221-2150
Hanamigawa 043-275-6425
Inage 043-284-6141
Midori 043-292-8138
Mihama 043-270-3505
Wakaba 043-233-8558

The Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System

The Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System is a system in which all citizens of Japan assist in the payment of medical expenses for elder senior citizens, providing essential medical services to individuals aged 75 and older in light of their physical status and living conditions.

Operation of the system is managed by the Chiba Prefecture Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care Regional Union, in which all municipalities in Chiba Prefecture participate as members.

For inquiries regarding the Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System:

Chiba Prefecture Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care Regional Union TEL 043-216-5011
Health Insurance Division TEL 043-245-5170

Health Insurance and Pension Division:

Ward Office TEL
Chuo 043-221-2133
Hanamigawa 043-275-6278
Inage 043-284-6121
Midori 043-292-8121
Mihama 043-270-3133
Wakaba 043-233-8133

Joining the Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System

Those who are aged 75 and older (65 and older for those with designated disabilities) become members (insured persons) of the Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System.

As those who are aged 75 and older are automatically enrolled in the system, no application is necessary.

Those individuals with designated disabilities aged 65 and older must apply for certification by the Chiba Prefecture Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care Regional Union.

People Who May Not Join the Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System

Those without a certificate of residence (tourists, residents of less than three months, and diplomats) may not join the Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System. However, even those who have lived in Japan for less than three months may become insured when their intent to stay longer than three months is recognized by presenting necessary documents, etc.

Loss of Entitlements

You will lose your entitlements if any of the circumstances listed below apply to you:

  1.  If you move out of Chiba Prefecture
    * You will receive benefits under the prefecture regional union at your new address. However, if you move into a welfare institution or a hospital, you will remain under the jurisdiction of the Chiba Prefecture Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care Regional Union.
  2.  In case of death
  3. If you leave Japan

Health Insurance Card

Each member is issued a health insurance card that provides proof of membership in the Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System. Please display your health insurance card each time you receive a medical examination at a medical facility.

Insurance Premiums

An insurance premium is incurred for each insured person. The amount of premium differs depending on the amount of residential tax paid by the policyholder and the members of his/her household.

 Health Insurance Compensation for Illness or Injuries

Present your health insurance card when you receive an examination at a medical facility that offers health insurance treatment. You will be charged 10-30% of the medical costs (out-of-pocket expenses) and the remaining 70-90% will be covered by the Regional Union.

For further information on other compensations and the details of the system, please see the official website of the Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System (Japanese only).

Welfare for Individuals with Disabilities

A variety of benefits are available for physically or mentally disabled persons. To receive benefits, those with physical disabilities are required to have the Handbook for the Physically Disabled, and those with intellectual disabilities are required to have the Handbook of Care.

Contact the Senior Citizens' and Disabled Persons' Support Division at the following Health and Welfare Centers for more information.

Health and Welfare Center TEL
Chuo 043-221-2152
Hanamigawa 043-275-6462
Inage 043-284-6140
Midori 043-292-8150
Mihama 043-270-3154
Wakaba 043-233-8154

Those who suffer from psychiatric disorders need the Welfare and Health Handbook for Individuals with Psychiatric Disorders in order to receive benefits.

Contact the Public Health Division at your local Health and Welfare Center for more information.

Health and Welfare Center TEL
Chuo 043-221-2583
Hanamigawa 043-275-6297
Inage 043-284-6495
Midori 043-292-5066
Mihama 043-270-2287
Wakaba 043-233-8715 


English Japanese Romanization
Chiba Prefecture Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care Regional Union 千葉県後期高齢者医療広域連合 chibaken kouki koureisha iryou kouiki rengou
Elder Senior Citizen Medical Care System 後期高齢者医療制度 kouki koureisha iryou seido
Employees’ Pension 厚生年金 kousei nenkin
Handbook for the Physically Disabled 身体障害者手帳 shintai shougaisha techou
Handbook of Care 療育手帳 ryouiku techou
National Pension 国民年金 kokumin nenkin
Welfare and Health Handbook for Individuals with Psychiatric Disorders 精神障害者保健福祉手帳 seishin shougaisha hoken fukushi techou

Return to the Table of Contents (Guidebook for Living in Chiba City)



千葉市中央区千葉港1番1号 千葉市役所高層棟8階




