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Jomon rope cord pottery patterns can be easily made!
These are pieces of real pottery.
First, prepare the clay.
(Actually, it’s soil.)
Next, wrap the rope made from the twisted fibers around the thin branch.
Push the rope onto the clay…
Roll it…
and finished!
So easy!
It can be taken home.
It will have become hard by arrival.
(Actually, these are hardened by being fired.)
There are various patterns as well.
We hold experiential programs on the last Saturday of each month, except in December.
There is so much pottery in the Kasori Museum and the pottery pieces have various patterns on them.
It is good to look at these pottery pieces after creating a pottery piece.
I will focus on the temperature and population changes all over Japan.
About 80,000 years ago
The beginning of Ice Age
About 40,000 years ago
People started to live in the Japanese Archipelago.
About 23,000 years ago
The oldest fishing hook in the world (Sakitari-do cave site, Nanjo City, Okinawa Prefecture)
About 20,000 years ago
The peak of the glacial period
The temperature was 6 to 9 degrees lower than now, and the sea level was also 100 meters lower.
About 16,500 years ago
The oldest piece of pottery in the world (Odai-Yamamoto Site, Aomori Prefecture)
About 11,000 years ago
The oldest piece of pottery from Chiba City (Sakanokoshi Site, Asumigaoka, Midori Ward, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture)
The world began warming.
About 8,000 years ago
The oldest piece of pottery from the Kasori Shell Mounds
About 7,000 years ago
This was during a period of global warming. However, there was a brief time when it became colder.
About 6,000 years ago
The world was warming.
The temperature was about 2 degrees higher than now, and the sea level was also 3 to 4 meters higher.
(There was a day in August 2024 when it was over 35 degrees in Chiba City. Could there have been hotter days than this in the past? Recently, winters have been around 6 degrees in January.)
About 5,000 years ago
There was a time when it became colder.
From about 5,000 to 3,000 years ago
The world began warming.
Large shell mounds were formed in Kasori.
From about 3,000 to 2,000 years ago
Food shortages caused by cooling led to a decrease in population.
(Although the number of ruins decreased and their size became smaller, larger ruins have also been discovered. It is unclear whether or not the population decreased. In this blog, I am of the opinion that the population decreased and will continue with this theory for my blog.)
The temperature was about 2 degrees lower than now, and the sea level was also 3 to 4 meters lower.
The remains excavated from the Kasori site also decreased after this period. It is though that the people from this area migrated to find food.
After that
With the warming climate, agriculture(rice cultivation)gradually spread around Japan and the population increased again.
Adding bronze and iron artefacts marked the beginning of a new era.
(There is an opinion that, due to food shortages caused by climate cooling, they adopted agriculture as new way to make up for it.)
To put it in broad terms…
With rising temperatures, food became more abundant, the population increased(※), various lifestyles emerged. With cooler temperatures, this led to a shortage of food, which resulted in the population decreasing. (This is strictly my personal feeling.)
(※)The population is considered to have been approximately a few hundred thousand at its peak. (There are various opinions.)(By the way, the population was 124million in March 2024.)
For one moment in a long history, the Jomon Period flared up briefly like fire and then disappeared. The setting of the Jomon period was quite different when compared to the previous and future scenes of the Jomon period. The previous scenes was the Paleolithic Period of the Ice Age, which was characterized by a migratory lifestyle, and the future scenes was the Yayoi Period, which was a completely different setting enriched by foreign cultures, due to the world warming again. Just like the rising of a curtain marking the beginning of a performance, the people of this period flourished for only about 14,000 years until the curtain fell, marking the end of the Jomon Period. I had the impression that this period seemed a somewhat dull period that has an earthy plain smell due to the image I had of pottery. However, looking at the flow before and after this period and comparing its trends with the surrounding periods, I think it was a uniquely dynamic and distinctive period. Of course, climate is not the only reason, but I'm sure it was one of the main factors.
Things that I personally think blossomed particularly during the Jomon period.
1Pottery as an invention
2Fashion and Style
3Fishing nets
5The range of interaction through the movement of goods
6What is a Dogu?
7Knitting and Sewing Techniques
1Pottery as an invention
Pottery was invented and developed as a tool for boiling in this period. It's easy to imagine how it significantly changed people's eating habits. I think it was a breakthrough invention. The period when pottery with net patterns was dominant is known as the Jomon period(Jomon period縄文時代、Jou縄=rope, mon文=cord), but it's surprising that this preference remained unchanged for even about 14,000 years. Ukiyo-e or Manga had not appeared yet.
There must have been many different types of dishes. We can tell what they ate from the artefacts and the composition of human bones, but unfortunately, we can't know what kinds of dishes they made or how many different cooking types they had, because no recipes have remained. I wish there had been a recipe that was recorded in writing on a clay tablet.
There are bowls and cups. Designing a dish to resemble an abalone shell shows that their aesthetic sense was just as sophisticated as ours today. The pouring vessel looks like it was something that was created by people from modern times. There were no chopsticks or forks yet.
This is generally considered to be a hair accessory.…Aren’t these chopsticks? When they picked up some food from a large pot, or when they took and divided them into smaller dishes, did they do it by hand? It seems like it would have been so hot... Did they wait until it cooled down? If I were there, I would have used a wooden stick. I think it's natural to guess that if they also used wooden sticks, they then began to make chopsticks as a result. I recently watched someone on TV washing a steamy hot Chinese wok without any hesitation. They might have been fine with it, too?
As someone who is not an expert, when I read books from the Jomon period I often have doubts about accepted theories like this, “Is this really true?” What I so often remember of those times are the stories of Iguanodon and the geocentric theory. Just as the nose of the Iguanodon actually turned out to be a claw, it turned out that it was not heavens, but actually the Earth that was moving. However, I always harbor doubts about such opinions.
Besides that, I found something interesting recently from other regions. I thought there are also various things from the Jomon period besides Kasori Shell Mounds.
There is pottery called ”Flame Pots” in Niigata prefecture.
Lacquered pottery has been excavated in Ishikawa Prefecture, Aomori Prefecture, and various locations across Japan.
There is an artefact called “Pottery with a Perforated Rim and Patterns of the Human Body”, also known as “Pii-su” (the meaning is peace or piece), in Minami-Alps City, Yamanashi prefecture.
The more I research, the more I realize there are various things. Things that are thought to be written characters have not been found yet.
2Fashion and Style
The Dogu has drawings of clothing on it, and there are holes in its ears. We can imagine the fashion of the time from these. Many earrings and shell rings used as armlets have been excavated. A necklace made of jade magatama beads, a comb coated with lacquer… I thought that daily life was controlled by food shortages, so it’s so surprising to see that they were also concerned with fashion.
3Fishing Nets
Many stones that were considered to have been weights for the fishing nets have been excavated. Not only were methods such as ‘spear fishing’ and ‘hook and line fishing’ used, but it is also known that ‘net fishing’ methods were employed. It might be one of the reasons that the climate became suitable for diving. Although the nets have disintegrated and left no trace, it is thought that the stones were used to attach and sink the nets, thus suggesting that nets were made. As for me, being a fishing enthusiast, I don’t think I would have even considered any other methods. Did someone feel that catching fish one by one was too frustrating and decided to invent a new method? Lots of fishing hooks have been found, so they must had also used the stones for the ‘hook and line fishing’ weight. However, strangely, I don’t see many people insisting on it. Are there no scholars who like fishing?
There are artefacts that can only be explained as instruments for prayer. Irregularly-Shaped Footed Vessel. It is evidence of the spiritual concept of prayer, as well as evidence of objects which were used to help people in prayer.
5The range of interaction through the movement of goods
The stone known as obsidian, which is highly suitable for cutting fish and meal as well as a steel knife, was excavated. It is not an item that was extracted from the land near Kasori shell Mounds. It is an artefact that was produced only in certain places in Japan. Many of them which were excavated at Kasori Shell mounds are actually from Kouzu Shima Island. After walking 200 kilometers on foot, they had to cross 50 kilometers across the sea by boat. By that log boat? It is the evidence showing exchange with different regions. They might have also enjoyed traveling with their dog while seeing Mt. Fuji or interacting with people in other areas. Maybe they had trouble when trading such goods?
There is the opinion that as there were “few traces of war”, no conflict occurred during this period. However, I don’t agree with this. In the future, I hope that this current period would be introduced as a “period of war” in museums, as the people of the future living in peace may have discovered many traces of war from this time.
The history of dinosaurs spans from about 230 million years ago to about 66 million years ago. It lasted for approximately 164 million years. Since the birth of humans, only several million years have passed. The time is sure to come.
Obsidian has been used in other regions since around 38,000 years ago.
6What is a Dogu?
Dogu are generally considered to be the ritual artifacts which were used in prayer (wishing for a bountiful harvest, safe delivery, rebirth), but I think they were toys. However, I think, just a little bit, that they might have also held Dogu for some kind of wishes. Certain things can only be known by hearing from people who were there at the time. (If you say that, that would ruin everything….) There are some things that I feel were made as artworks.
In Aomori Prefecture, clay artefacts in the shape of wild boars were excavated and it is difficult to imagine them being anything other than toys.
There is also an animal-shaped clay artefact in the Kasori Shell Mounds Museum.
7Knitting and Sewing Techniques
The patterns on the Dogu suggest that the clothing was ' knitted'. The shape of the stone with the center missing also suggests that they were 'making the nets by weaving' for catching fish. I think this was needle used for sewing clothes. Some people say it was used as an accessory. Imprints of a woven mat made from plant fibers have been found on the bottom of the oldest piece of pottery within Chiba City, which dates back about 11,000 years. Since the knitting materials disintegrate and disappear, its existence and form can only be imagined through the imprints that remain, however, there is something that has miraculously remained.
It is called a 'Jomon pouch' from the Sannai-Maruyama ruins in Aomori, which is from around 5,500 years ago. This helped us realize that this was real, not something from our imaginations.
I have a feeling that I recently saw something similar in a store.
We still build houses by setting up the pillars first. Although there are remains of dwellings from the Paleolithic Period of the Ice Age (which was also a period of the migratory lifestyle), it can be imagined that during the Jomon Period, when a settled lifestyle became the predominant way of living, the shape, size, and construction methods of dwellings advanced significantly, much like the development of pottery. However, unfortunately, there are also few remains of the upper part, only the traces of the stakes and a circular hole about 5 to 6 meters in diameter and 50 centimeters deep are left. The upper part of the dwellings are purely speculative. The reconstructed dwellings at the Kasori Shell Mounds site are purely imaginative creations. Furthermore, the large dwelling remains at the Kasori Shell Mounds site would have required even more advanced building techniques.
However, the 'house-shaped stone artefact from 4,600 years ago which was excavated from the Sakaehama 1 site in Yakumo Town, Hokkaido, is useful for reference.
但し、北海道の八雲町栄浜1遺跡から4,600年前の「家形石製品」が出土しており、参考になる。(https://www.town.yakumo.lg.jp/uploaded/attachment/8119.pdf(外部サイトへリンク)(別ウインドウで開く))7ページ参照(Refer to Pege7)
There are traces of a hearth on the ground, so it is certain that they cooked there using pottery. It can be imagined that everyone was dining together in a circle around the hearth.
Let’s share and enjoy the food together!
Even though the materials may have changed, many of the things that originated from that time are nearly all still used in their original form as described above. I began to understand the feelings of those who greatly admire the people from this period as 'remarkable founders'. There are many wonderful events in every period, however I did not know this period at all. Although some people say, 'Is this all the progress that was made after over 14,000 years? We modern humans have achieved this much in just 2,000 years.'. There was almost nothing before the Jomon Period began, but the people from this period invented things and progressed much faster up until the point when the climate became warmer for one moment, even though there was a much smaller population, difficulties communicating with the world and so few resources. I think it is wonderful and that they did a great job. It is tough to lift something from zero to one. It is comparable to the progress modern people have made from one to 100. People advance in the blink of an eye, so people tend to forget the people who began at first. I think they should be given more respect and admiration.
I wonder if I should put their portraits in frames and hang them up high on the wall in my room?
I have a little pocket money this month so I can’t buy the frame. I’ll skip it today.
By the way, I recently found out that there are dwellings similar to the reconstructed dwelling at the Kasori Shell Mound in the hometowns of the CIR in Chiba City.
“Acidic soil accounts for most of the land area in Japan. In many cases, the remains of humans, animals and fish have decomposed and have for the most part disintegrated. The calcium found in shells, which is alkaline, neutralizes the acidic soil and these have not decomposed and still remain today. As a result, many traces of life from the past still remain in the shell mounds”.
…oh, really? Isn't that a miracle?
I thought that it was really amazing when I found out.
This is exactly like a time capsule.
I wonder if the person who noticed the fact at first felt the same.
I'm sure that the person was thinking why everything was preserved so well here.
You can see some animal bones and fish bones.
Did people in the Jomon period know this?
I wonder if there were occasions when they used to bury something in the shells on purpose to leave behind.
…I also wonder if there had been people who didn’t want to disappear even after death.
“Bury me in a shell when I die.”
I wonder if there were people who buried dead people in the shells and wished that they were still alive.
Weren't there people who noticed this during the Jomon period, which lasted for over 10 thousand years?
Is it by chance that these remains have remained preserved until the present day?
It is considered that it is by chance. But it may not be by chance…
I think it is narrow-minded to think that these thoughts didn't occur to them like modern people, or that they never thought such things because they lived in ancient times.
However, conclusive evidence that this is true must be discovered by excavation if we want to insist on this fact.
Human remains which were excavated beneath the shells.
In the 1960's, there was a risk of the soil being dug up and that remains would be demolished by the construction to make factories and houses.
However, Munehisa Takeda, a social studies teacher, spearheaded preservation activities all over Japan along with students, citizens and the Japanese Archaeological Association. Chiba City ended up buying the property and it was preserved.
The remains and the park you can see here now is the result of a huge effort.
By the way, why did they need to raise so many voices to buy the site? Even though so many relics were already excavated?
Chiba City had no budget? The price was too expensive? It was not considered worth buying? Was there the person who felt these were just the pieces of stones and who could not understand their value? Was it the period during which development activities were the top priority?
Who were they battling with?
Anyway, it is a good thing that they were not defeated. As the saying goes, “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down”. It is really good that they won.
There are facilities here that you can see how people lived at that time.
It is not fake, but real.
This is it that was protected.
Actually, the areas that were excavated and researched are less than 10% of the total area. Most area has not been still excavated. I really look forward to the future.
This is the results of excavation up until now. Although it is only a small percentage of the total land area, we have so much results. I want to see more and more. I want to see everything as soon as possible!
平成30年度 発掘調査日誌(Earrings!!!!)(別ウインドウで開く)
I would be glad if the following items were excavated.
Earrings, clay figures known as “Yamagata-Dogu” or a dugout canoe.
I would be happy if earrings were found because I want to see how items were created using elaborate techniques.
I think that the clay figures are cute.
A dugout canoe has not been discovered here yet.
Please take a look at this information about a special exhibition that we are currently holding. We're looking forward to seeing you!
By the way, the act of digging and finding is so fun.
My 87-year old farther was a carnation farmer and he often took me out to the mountains behind our house to dig up fossils as a child. I will never forget the feeling of elation I had when we discovered the fossil of a shell in a rock.
The fossils which we dug up over forty years ago are still at my parent’s house.
In the Kasori Shell Mounds Park, native vegetation from the Jomon period has been partially restored.
You can see and enjoy the scenery of what the ancient landscape used to look like.
You can also see many sweet acorns in winter.
I often put a lot of snacks on my desk and eat them from one end to the other. I wonder if the Jomon people also munched on their food like me?
The sweet acorns look so yummy.
I didn't know how big the park was until I came here.
Above all, the air in the park is sooo fresh!
The air is clean and the park is so big...it is a really good place to take a walk!
Don’t forget to bring your UV parasol!
The season of fresh greenry has come! Flowers are starting to bloom!
You can also hear the small birds chirping a lot.
Feel free to come for a walk!
Lastly, we will hold a festival during Golden Week.
We hope you’ll look forward to it!
アクセス(access to the Park)(別ウインドウで開く)
First of all,I would like to talk about the Kasori Shell Mounds Museum.
Have you ever heard of shell mounds?
I work at Kasori Shell Mounds Museum now.
It is embarrassing but I didn’t know about shell mounds until I was assigned here.
Of course, I knew the name, but I didn't know the value at all.
The lives of people who existed over a period of 2,000 years are recorded.Traces of life from between approximately 5,000 years ago until 3,000 years ago can be found here.
We call the age between approximately 17,000 years ago to 2,400 years ago the Jomon period.
It has been designated as a special historic site, which holds the same rank as a national treasure.
We have only four special historic sites from the Jomon period (including here) in Japan.
Here is the one of the special places in Japan.
Today, I would like to explain the story regarding dogs from the many traces left of their lives.
The artefacts found in the area are called shell mounds because many shellfish that were eaten were found, as well as the bones of dogs.
The excavated situation showed that dogs were buried so tenderly.
At that time, it is considered that they had dogs for the purpose of catching prey, such as wild boar or deer.
However,some of the bones of the dog’s legs had traces of being healed.
It seems to be wounds from hunting.
However, they helped heal the dog without letting it leave alone.
Dogs were not just hunting tools.
They were loved as same as we love now.
Doesn't the scene seem lovely in your mind?
Various memories still live on here.
There are the same number of stories.
Although Kasori Shell Mounds is a bit off the beaten track, there is something to stir up your imagination.
Do you like fishing?
Do you like to watch or make pottery?
Camping in the forest or making clothes?
Perhaps wearing cute earrings, cooking shellfish and wild game meat or praying when you're in trouble?
You need to come here if you would like to know how people lived 5000 years ago.
You cannot leave Chiba City without visiting here!
A new Museum will open in a few years.
We are preparing to provide more fulfilling exhibition.
Please come here again at that time.
By the way, the mascot of the Kasori Shell Mounds Museum is called Kasoriinu.
The dog of Kasori.
In Japanese,Kasori no Inu.
Kasori no inu,kasori inu,kasori inu…kasoriinu.
A festival is held here in May and October or Novenber every year.
You can meet Kasoriinu at this time.
In my opinion, it's so cute!
You can pet and hug Kasoriinu!!
Feel free to come and visit here!
the dog of Kasori、日本語では加曽利の犬。かそりのいぬ、かそりいぬ…かそりーぬ。